Originally listed at the bottom of the brain, I pulled this off to its own page to keep the front page cleaner.
March, 2012 - Pulled updates to its own page.
March, 2011 - Sad day... B is no longer Bus Stuff. But now every page on the site has the chance to be updated once in awhile. And Bus Stuff isn't totally relegated to the archives. You can swap back and forth between Books and Bus Stuff.
March, 2011 - A lot of fun with this one... D is now a full-fledged game complete with scoring system and an ever-expanding list of secret words to find! Also added a guestbook.
December, 2010 - Added some social links to M, some gadgets to C, and resurrected Benwords from the archives to L. Apparently, even the sitemap got a facelift!.
April, 2009 - I've been updating the Lists page quite regularly. So much so, that it was getting next to impossible to maintain (especially the 555-list). So I broke down and created databases for both lists. Now it's incredibly easy to add more records. Plus I threw in an AJAX-powered lightbox popup for the book summaries, so they're easier to read. *gasp!* My resistance to new-age web technology is crumbling! At least I still create everything by hand...
March, 2009 - I always wanted a graphical-type map of all the pages on this site, partially to help maintain it when I decide to change a letter (which I seem to do a lot), but also, just to see everything at once. I finally found a neat way to do it, and you can see it here. If I like it, I'll have to find a more prominent way to link it in. (Though I will warn you... it uses CSS *gasp!*)
January, 2009 - Crazy! I've been actually updating things on here regularly. I changed L into Lists, which I'll try to maintain throughout the year. I'm still trying to come up with something useful for D, and some of the other pages have slight updates as well.
November, 2008 - The Computers page actually has a lot more information on it about some of the gadgets and toys I own.
May 13, 2008 - I re-found this while browsing around during a business trip to Phoenix. Crazy stuff. I should go through and make sure there's nothing incriminating on here.
November 2, 2004 - I'm almost afraid to write this... it seems once I write what I'm in the process of changing, I end up not doing any more. But for now... I'm re-doing 'L' and trying to get some other sections updated as well.
May 27, 2004 - Hey! For all the hundreds of people who come here daily... I will get this thing up and running this summer! I promise! I have enough free time...
December 26, 2003 - Well Thanksgiving Break came and went. Big surprise that there's still nothing there yet. Maybe by the first? If I could just find those pictures!
November 17, 2003 - Killed off Cwotes, began Computers. A page I can actually provide content for. Though, since I should be writing a lab report right now, I'll do it "later," which, if I'm lucky, means I'll do it over Thanksgiving break.
October 8, 2003 - Wow, I actually got a page from someone who said they were looking through source code to find the "D" page and came across the old annimated intro to the site. Which means that once in awhile people actually do look at this site. Wierd. Maybe I should update sometime.
June 11, 2003 - No it's not really updated, but things may be slowly changing if you look around closely.
December 1, 2002 - Theoretically I'm starting some heavy work on this site so it might be up and running soon. We'll see.
Page last updated on March 24, 2011. Keep in mind that this time is only when THIS page was last edited. I could very well have worked on pages inside the brain and not put them on the update calendar.
For legality purposes, the content on this site is the express opinion of ME. If you take offense at anything on here, please email the webmaster (put digimuzik in front of that popuplar Google mail service domain and you should be good to go) and I'll do my best to help out. This site is meant to entertain and inform, not offend. Thank you, come again!